Tuesday, February 22, 2022

If It's CCL, It Must Be Single-Digits

That was my weather app at kickoff of Frozen Taps I, 4 years ago Sunday night

I don't know if we'll call this Frozen Taps II or Snow Clasico IV, but we're all set for another frigid game at the Dick tomorrow night.  At kickoff the forecast calls for 14 degrees and a 32% chance of snow.  Needless to say this will be a shock to Comunicaciones, not to mention a few of our own players (welcome to your first home game Max!).  Kickoff tomorrow is at 6:30, with the game on FS2 for those who can't make it, or don't want to deal with the cold.

The Rapids expect to have everyone (other than Galvan) available, while a number of the Cremas players will not be making the trip due to being vaccinated with the Sputnik vaccine, which isn't recognized by the WHO and thus, U.S. Customs and Immigration.  There's also a couple of players who reportedly hive visa issues, with one report that its due to them being Cuban.  Regardless of why, we can expect a weakened Comunicaciones squad in Commerce City tomorrow.
With the first leg at 1-0 to the bad guys, the Rapids have to score two tomorrow night to avoid PKs.  A 1-0 win means straight to Kicks From The Mark, no 30 minutes of extra time.  Any other 1 goal win (2-1, 3-2, etc.) means Comunicaciones goes through on away goals.  A two goal win means the Rapids are through regardless of the score.

This is the lineup I predicted last week before we went a bit more defensive.  This week we need goals so I expect a more aggressive lineup.  Unfortunately being down a goal means that Cremas can park the bus in the cold, and that's something a number of teams did successfully against us last year.  We're going to have to figure out how to break through that kind of block and score.

Prediction: 2-0 win, goals by Rubio and Barrios.  Yeah, this feels optimistic but the only time Comunicaciones got close to scoring last week was on free kicks.  With the home advantage, cold, and the weakened Cremas side we should pull this out, but it shouldn't have been this hard.

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