Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Roster Updates, Rumors, and Rapids 2 Signings

With 3 games in a week last week we didn't get a chance to cover some of the roster moves.  Most of these are official, with a couple obvious but not announced changes and one rumor.  We also have a few Rapids 2 signings to over.

First the official stuff.  The Rapids signed first round pick Anthony Markanich last week.  He'll give us some defensive depth and will likely get time with Rapids 2.  I don't expect him to rack up a lot of minutes for the first team this year, but don't be shocked if he gets some time late in the season after Trusty leaves.

The Rapids also announced an contract extension for Braian Galvan through 2024, with an option for 2025.  This a good move and a great way to show support for him after his season-ending ACL injury.

Finally today the Rapids waived homegrown forward Matt Hundley.  Originally singed before the 2019 season Hundley never got an appearance with the first team and struggled at times to get off the bench for the Switchbacks and Memphis.  Hopefully he can find a team in USL to catch on to.

Their have also been some unannounced changes with international players, currently the Rapids only show 6 players with that designation on their roster.  Acosta, Max, Esteves, Galvan, Price, and Wilson are still listed.  That means Mayaka, Mezquida, and Shinyashiki apparently got their green cards before the deadline last Friday.  This hasn't been announced yet but given that Mezquida and Shinyashiki made trips home this offseason that would sync up with the green card process.  The Rapids should have 7 international slots so they have room for one more signing (the from FSL/to Vancouver trades cancel out, and we sent one to LAFC).  Which leads us to the one rumor in this post.

Yesterday Irish site The 42 reported that 19 year old Irish striker Michael Harris is set to move from Derry City in the Irish League to the Rapids.  Harris doesn't have much first team experience, being on the bench for a number of games but not getting subbed in.  This is clearly a move for the future and it will be interesting to see if this is a first-team or a Rapids 2 contract.  Regardless I expect to see him playing for Rapids 2 this year and not the first team.

And speaking of Rapids 2, they've announced their first three signings.  The honor of the first signing goes to an old friend, welcome back to Commerce City Dillon Serna!  Dillon spent 2020 with SKC 2 and 2021 in the Springs, making a combined 22 appearances between the two teams (SKC II only played 16 games in 2020 due to COVID and Serna was injured for a good chunk of 2021).  The other two signings are midfielders Yosuke Hanya, out of UMass-Amhearst, and Omar Gomez, out of Salt Lake Community College and before that the Rapids Academy.  Gomez can also play in defense.  Hanya is one of a few Japanese players to have played professionally in American soccer, arguably the Japanese player with the most success here has been long-time Rapids player and fan favorite Kosuke Kimura.

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