Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Full Roster Info!

This actually happened last week but I was too busy to get to it.  The league, for the first time ever, released full roster info for all of the teams now that the primary transfer window has closed.  For the Rapids the information is below and also here:

Its a little small, so click to see it larger

What does this tell us that we didn't already have confirmed?  Not a ton.  It confirms that we currently have 6 international slots, all filled.  Navarro could be bought down to a TAM player on his current loan contract, though if we buy him for anything close to the reported price of $4.5M we'll lose that ability.  Michael Edwards is now the only Homegrown on the roster who didn't actually come through the Rapids Academy.  Diack, Steffen, and Vines are on TAM deals, while Bassett is on a U22 deal.

The real interesting thing (beyond just having this information all gathered in one spot for the first time) is the contract details.  We now know, for sure, when contracts run out for every player.  Well except for Bandre who was signed just as they were putting this together, but he's under a one year deal with options for the next two years as announced.  This coming offseason Jonathan Lewis is the only current Rapid that will be completely out of contract (loanees Diack/Navarro excepted).  I assume we aren't going to in a hurry to re-sign him.

We'll have a number of options to decide on.  Lalas Abubakar, Remi Cabral, Calvin Harris, Miguel Navarro, Keegan Rosenberry, Seb Anderson, Ethan Bandre, Moise Bombito, Michael Edwards, Nate Jones, and Oli Larraz are all going into option years   From where we are right now I could see us declining the options on Abubakar, Navarro, and Edwards, and possibly Jones and Rosenberry (with the hope to renegotiate with the captain).  I think Cabral gets picked up if he keeps his hot start in Phoenix going, Larraz will likely be picked up, and Bombito is a no-brainer.  Not sure about Anderson and Bandre.

Cole and Sam, and Mihailovic and Beaudry are under contract before we even get to options through 2027.  I think that people will largely be happy to have them here than long, but the hope for all four of them is probably to get back to Europe (or just to Europe in Beaudry's case).  Its interesting that after Lewis' contract ends at the end of the year, Sam and Cole are the only players without option years.  That shows a bit on what the team had to give up in negotiations to get them to re-sign here.

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