Friday, June 17, 2022

Recommended Blog

I've been meaning to do this for a while, but I wanted to recommend Joseph Samelson's blog to anyone who's enjoyed reading my work over the years.  Joseph has been blogging the Rapids off and on since 2018 but last fall he really kicked it into overdrive and is now writing the best blog on the Rapids out there (yes, better than this one).

If you remember some of my earlier posts I used to have a bit more statistical analysis that I have recently.  Well Joseph has picked up that baton and run with it.  When I started this the amount of advanced statistics available was fairly minimal but despite that we still dug in the best we could to get the best view of what was really going on.  In the last few years statistical analysis in soccer has taken off and Joseph as ridden that wave into pulling out some great detail on this team and what's working.

Anyway, I'm not suggesting you stop reading my random thoughts, but also go read his stuff too.

1 comment:

SuperMax said...

Thanks! It is always nice to have another source of Rapids material given the lack of media coverage for the Pids.