Monday, January 21, 2013

Comings, Goings, and Injuries

Three quick notes.
  • Pareja confirmed today that Jaime Castrillon is on the trading block.  He was also apparently diagnosed with a significant injury int he post-season exam last fall.  He is at the Dick with the rest of the team in preseason but not participating in team drills.
  • Ruben Luna has left camp after getting an opportunity in another league.
  • MF/FW Carlos Diaz and FW Cesar Romero have joined camp.  Diaz bounced around Europe and Romer played with Chivas USA after they both were regulars in the U.S. youth teams.  No word if John Astin will be joining camp later this week.
Updated camp roster:

Steward Ceus
Matt Pickens
Joel Helmick - Unsigned trialist
Clint Irwin - Unsigned trialist
Jim Mauer - Unsigned trialist

Diego Calderon - International
Kory Kindle - Unsigned draftee
Chris Klute (Atlanta loan through late-Sept)
Drew Moor
Anthony Wallace
Marvell Wynne
Luke Vercollone - Unsigned trialist

Davy Armstrong - Homegrown Player
Eric Avila - Unsigned Re-Entry draftee
Tony Cascio
Jaime Castrillon - International
Kevin Harbottle - International
Pablo Mastroeni
Brian Mullan
Shane O'Neill - Homegrown Player
Dillon Powers
Martin Rivero (Rosario Central loan through 2013) - International
Dillon Serna - Homegrown Player
Nathan Sturgis
Hendry Thomas - International
Carlos Diaz - Unsigned trialist
Jamie Smith - Unsigned trialist

Andre Akpan
Deshorn Brown - Generation Adidas, International
Edson Buddle
Atiba Harris
Kamani Hill
Cesar Romero - Unsigned trialist


Allen said...

Does the Castrillón things seem odd? I'm curious why given his high performance vs low salary ( IIRC @$70k last year ) the team doesn't keep him around and see how things play out after the injury.

Allen said...

What is the nature of Castrillón's "injury"? It seems a bit odd for the team to want to off load a guy who did pretty well last year and was pretty cheap by league standards ( IIRC @$70k ).

Jason Maxwell said...

There have been no leaks or rumors about Castrillon's injury. There was a rumor that Millionaros (sp?) was inquiring about loaning or buying Castrillon from the Rapids as they just did with Seattle's Freddy Montero. They're beefing up their squad with fellow colombians for their Copa run.